Linux Filesystem Management
Linux Filesystem management
–>File system Ids
ext2/ext3 –>83
linux swap ->82
RAID –>fd
LVM –>83
above id no. are based on hex system
#fdisk -l
-> Disk partitioning tools
.fdisk -> post-installaton disk partitioning tool (other disk partition tools
sfdiks – can be used in scripts
parted- advanced disk partitioning tool (partition can be resize though this tool)
.fdisk -l (lists partition table of all the disks)
to create new partition
#fdisk /dev/hda1
m –>lists all the fdisk commands & theier jobs
p –>prints partition table
n –>to create new partition
t –>to specify file system id
d –>to delete a partition
q –>to quit without save
w –>to write (ie. save) the changes into disk & quit
press n to create new partition
#partprobe – updates new partition table
#partprobe – updates new partition table
#partprobe – updates new partition table
–Creating file system (ie. formatiing)
a. mkfs -t <fs_type> <partition_name>
#mkfs ext3 /dev/hdax (x is last created partition nukber)
b. #mke2fs.<fs_type> <partition_name>
ie. #mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdax
mke2fs [options] [partition_name]
options= -j – to create ext3 with journaling
-b <block_size in byte>
-l <label name>
-c to check for badblocks before creating file system
#cd /
#mkdir directory (ie. personnel)
mke2fs -j -b 2048 -l /personnel /dev/hdax
#e2label /dev/hdax (to chck label)
#e2lable /dev/hdax new /newlabel