Linux Daemons
Deamons (what is deamons)
.Background process are called deamons and sometimes called services)
Two types:
1. Stand-alone deamon
.Location: /etc/rc.d/init.d/*
.Keeps running all the time
2. Transient deamon (service)
.Controled by super-deamon ‘xinetd’
.Location: /etc/xinetd.d/*
.Also called xniedtd-based deamons (or services)
Note: The list of /etc/rc.d/* contains runlevel specifiec shell scripts
The list of /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/* contains symbolic links
Format of symbolic links
meaning of above formats
S- to start the service
K- to kill (ie. stop) the service
X- .No. that represents priority to start/stop the sevices
.lower no. has higer priority
Service_name- Symbolic link of the services in /etc/rc.d/init.d
rc-> This shell executes at the time system booting as well as when the system changes its runlevel.
.This shell scripts starts/stops runlevel specific services contained in
* to switch to “n” terminal
#chrt n ie. #chrt 3
#init q to re-examine /etc/inittab