Managing Partitions
*Mounting filesystem
#mount (fs-type> -o <options> <partition_name> <mount_point>
fs_type=vfat,ext2,ext3,iso9660 etc
options=rw ro
exec noexec
dev nodev
auto noauto
suid nosuid
user nouser or (owner, noowner)
async sync
the above options are default keywords
additional options
#mount /dev/hdax /personnel (only for temporary or this session only)
(kernel-rpm.rpm for kernel of fat32 supported system)
The above commands only for current serrions.
#vi /etc/fstab -contains mount info of partitions to permanently mount partitons
[partition_name/label_name] [mount_point] [fs_type] [options] [dump_freq] [fsck_order]
0–> not a candidate oof dump (backup command)
1–> To create dump backup daily
2–> To create dump backup every alternate day
& so on
0–> Not a candidate oof fsck {filesystem check command)
1–>first candidate of fsck
2–>second ,, ,, ,,
& so on
[p_name/lable [mount_point] [fs_type] [options] [dump_freq] [fsck_order]
or lable name]
/dev/hdax /personnel ext3 defaults 0 or 1 1 or 2
* to active the changes of /etc/fstab
#mount -a –To activate nnew entry in /etc/fstab
#df -h
use options in options filed like
for remount command
#mount -o remount /sbogati
#cd /sbogati
#cat >file
Adding Swap space
1. As a partition
#fdisk /dev/hda
2. create swap signature
#mkswap /dev/hdax
3. To activate swap
#free (displays memory info)
a. temporary activation
#swapon /dev/hdax
note: to deactivate swap #swap /dev/hdax
b. permanent activation
# vi /etc/fstab
/dev/hdax swap swap defaults 0 0
after returning for vi editor
#swapon -a –> top activate nnew swap entry in /etc/fstab
adding partition as a file
#dd of=/dev/zero oof=/swapfille(can be give any name) bs=1M count=128000 (128mb)
bs can be write as bs=1K
/dev/zero –> is called inifinite sink
#cd /
#ls -lh swapfile
#mkswap /swapfile (given swap file name)
#swapon /swapfile
#swapon /swapfile
#vi /etc/fstab
/swaapfile swap /swap defaults 0 0
save and exit from here
#swapon -a